Wednesday, September 4, 2013

HHN 13

Garrett and I have a very serious conversation about HHN.
Nosferatu was almost lost to the ages. While studio fires and other mishaps spelled the doom for films like London After Midnight, while Nosferatu was lost for a much more human reason. Bram Stoker's heirs ordered all of the prints to be destroyed on the grounds that it infringed on the copyright they owned. Luckily, some prints escaped this court order and because of that, we now can enjoy the German expressionist horror masterpiece for years to come. It's frightening to think that it barely escaped such a fate. However, knowing this makes me appreciate the movie's history even more. This film is an artifact from a time where all copies of something could be destroyed and you could make a claim that you owned the intellectual rights to vampires. That was 1922. Today in 2013, Nosferatu is within the public domain. Enjoy.